20 Aralık 2011 Salı

Anatolia Tile & Stone..

Kanadadaki hemşehrilerimiz, ülkemizden giden gayretli çalışkan öğrencilerimize ve orada çalışmak isteyen başarılı arkadaşlara sponsor olup yardımcı oluyorlar..

Anatolia Tile & Stone was incorporated in Canada in 1995, founded by three siblings of the Elmaagacli Family, Bekir Elmaagacli -- Managing Director, Cengiz Elmaagacli -- Sales & Marketing Director and Berrin Elmaagacli -- Customer Service Director.

Currently, they are all actively involved in every aspect of Anatolia Tile & Stone's operations and continue to draw strength from the business principals and integrity passed down through three generations of the Elmaagacli family.

Anatolia Tile & Stone Inc., in its short history is a success story becoming the largest importer of Turkish ceramic tiles in North America. In the year 2005, the company achieved annual imports of over 8,000 containers.

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